Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family

Our Staff


Photo of Kim Matheson

Kim Matheson



Photo of Melody Taylor

Melody Taylor


Office Manager

Photo of Michele Greschner

Michele Greschner

Office Manager

Photo of Andrea Stone

Andrea Stone

Office Manager


Photo of Britney Buchinski

Britney Buchinski

Grade Five Teacher

Photo of Nicole Gardecki

Nicole Gardecki

Grade Six Teacher

Photo of Trina Kelemen

Trina Kelemen

Grade One Teacher

Phone: 780-836-3532

Photo of Jessica Lay

Jessica Lay

Grade Three Teacher

Photo of Heather MacGregor

Heather MacGregor

Grade Four Teacher

Photo of Kim Matheson

Kim Matheson

Grade Six Teacher / Principal

Photo of Bryana Smith

Bryana Smith

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Mylee Swanby

Mylee Swanby

Grade Two Teacher

Photo of Melody Taylor

Melody Taylor

Grade Five Teacher / Vice Principal

Support Staff

Photo of Christa-Lee Bailey

Christa-Lee Bailey

Speech Language Assistant

Photo of Ashley Johnson

Ashley Johnson

Information Specialist

Phone: 780-836-3532

Educational Assistants

Photo of Maxine Goddard

Maxine Goddard

Elementary Educational Assistant

Photo of Jenine Robinson

Jenine Robinson

Elementary Educational Assistant

Photo of Maria Wiebe

Maria Wiebe

Elementary Educational Assistant

Student Support Worker

Photo of Cleo Pawluski

Cleo Pawluski

Student Support Worker

Phone: (780) 836-3532


Photo of Ken Asmussen

Ken Asmussen


Contact Staff Member